Get survey answers for a company or survey.

URL : /v1.0/Survey/Answers?companyId={companyId}&surveyId={surveyId}&departmentId={departmentId}&period={period}

Method : GET

Auth required : YES

Note : The only required attribute is companyId. All other attributes create a possibility to get more specific data. Period is a string that specifies in which reporting period to look for answers. If survey is reported quarterly, then period="YYYY-Q1" up to "YYYY-Q4", otherwise period="YYYY-M".


GET /v1.0/Survey/Answers?companyId={companyId}&surveyId={surveyId}&departmentId={departmentId}&period={period} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN_HERE>
Cache-Control: no-cache

Success Response

Code: 200 OK

        "SurveyId": 1000,
        "QuestionKey": "Q2",
        "Answer": "2",
        "Time": null,
        "Period": "2020-4",
        "Count": 50
        "SurveyId": 1000,
        "QuestionKey": "Q3",
        "Answer": "I am really proud to work for this company.",
        "Time": 2020-04-25T00:00:00,
        "Period": "2020-4",
        "Count": 1

Note: : If an answer is a selected option, all “votes” of that option are grouped and only one answer with Count is provided (first answer above). If an answer is a text answer, Count is always 1 and date of an answer is provided.

Error Response

Code: 401 Unauthorized

  "Message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."