This call returns all employees that were created through the API. Employees created through the portal interface will not be included.

URL : /v1.0/Company/{companyId}/Employee

Method : GET

Auth required : YES

Success Response

Code: 200 OK

    "Email": "",
    "Birthday": null,
    "Gender": 1,
    "ExternalId": "12345678",
    "ContactNumber": null,
    "HomeAddress1": null,
    "HomeAddress2": null,
    "HomeZipCode": "1000",
    "HomeCity": null,
    "HomeCountry": null,
    "LanguageId": 1045,
    "JobTitle": null,
    "HRContact": null,
    "HealthOffer": null,
    "NotifyByEmail": true,
    "NotifyBySMS": false,
    "NotifyByPush": true,
    "Dimensions": {
      "ImmediateManager": "John Doe",
      "Department": "2551",
      "Role": "1",
      "division": "Test"
    "Position": null,
    "ResponseCenterId": null,
    "ResponseCenterName": null,
    "EmploymentStatus": 0,
    "Locked": false,
    "OptOut": false,
    "SourcedFromExternalSystem": true,
    "FirstInvitationDate": "2018-11-15T11:00:16.3627689",
    "EmployedOn": null,
    "Id": 0254799,
    "Firstname": "David",
    "Lastname": "Rasmussen",
    "Fullname": "David Rasmussen",
    "CompanyId": 1000,
    "EmployeeID": "12345678"

Error Response

Code: 401 Unauthorized

  "Message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."