This call makes a complete set based change of all employees in the system.

URL : /v1.0/Company/{companyId}/Employee

Method : PUT

Auth required : YES

Role: HRIntegration


If employee [A, B, C] exists in Howdy and employee [B, C, D] are sent via this call then:

  • A will be removed
  • B and C will be updated with the values provided
  • D will be added

Data constraints

Field Type Requirements Description
EmployeeID* String Unique, Max length: 50 Your internal primary key
InvitationDate** String Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ Date and time when to sent out invitation
Firstname* String Max length: 150 First name of the employee
Lastname* String Max length: 150 Last name of the employee
Phonenumber String Must match regex: ^\+[0-9]{6,20}$, Unique Cell phone E.g. +4523232323
Email* String Valid email, Unique E-mail address
Gender Integer 0 = Male, 1 = Female, 9 = Unknown Gender
EmploymentStatus* Integer 0 = Active, 1 = On leave Employment Status
JobTitle String Max length: 50 Users Role in the company. E.g. “Sales Manager” or “CEO”
Department String Max length: 50 Reporting specific data
Role String Max length: 50 Reporting specific data
ImmediateManager String Max length: 50 Reporting specific data
Dimensions Object Key-Value pair, Value Max length: 50 Other reporting specific data Eg. Location, Division

* Required

** InvitationDate

  • Only for new employees.
  • If omitted then then invitation will be sent immediately or at 8 o’clock if outside business hours


The request consists of an array of Employees based on the model described above.

PUT /v1.0/company/{companyId}/employee HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN_HERE>
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
    "EmployeeID": "eb8a4f10-1c24-409f-b680-92ae71253339",
    "Firstname": "Bilbo",
    "Lastname": "Baggins"
    "Email": "8462@dev.test",
    "EmploymentStatus": 0,
    "Phonenumber": "+00008462",
    "Birthday": null,
    "Gender": 9,
    "Dimensions": {
        "Location": "The Shire",
        "Division": "Hobbits"

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

  "ApiOperationId": "string",
  "Inserted": "integer",
  "Updated": "integer",
  "Removed": "integer",
  "WasQueued": "false"

Code : 202 Accepted

Content example

  "ApiOperationId": "string",
  "Inserted": 0,
  "Updated": 0,
  "Removed": 0,
  "WasQueued": "true"

Error Response

Code : 400 Bad Data

Content example

  "ApiOperationId": "string",
  "ValidationErrors": ["string"]


The ApiOperationId can be used for further diagnostics so please log this if any errors are returned from the service