Api Calls

URL : /v1.0/company/{companyId}/apicalls

Method : GET

Auth required : YES


The lifetime of a queued request is a follows:

  1. Created. HttpStatusCode and HttpStatusReason will be empty
  2. Validated and queued. HttpStatusCode will be 202 and HttpStatusReason will be Accepted. If validation fails, the request will immediately change status to 4xx if it is deemed to be a problem with the data or 5xx if an unexpected problem has happened on the server.
  3. Processing started. HttpStatusCode will remain 202 and HttpStatusReason will change to Processing.... Usually processing will start within a couple of minutes, but if the server is busy it could take up to an hour.
  4. Processing completed. HttpStatusCode will change to 200 if everything went okay. If not, the code and reason should provide some explanation.


GET /v1.0/company/{companyId}/apicalls HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN_HERE>
Cache-Control: no-cache

Success Response

Code: 200 OK

        "ApiOperationId": "GUID",
        "UserId": "integer",
        "Username": "string",
        "CreatedOn": "DateTime",
        "Method": "string",
        "HttpStatusCode": "integer",
        "HttpStatusReason": "string"

Error Response

Code: 401 Unauthorized

  "Message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."